Critical Kit

Created by Critical Kit Ltd

Creators of indie TTRPGs, solo and multiplier games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Welcome to the headlands!
28 days ago – Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 01:40:45 AM

Hey there,

It's been a while, but I thought I'd just drop in with some news before we head into the quantum timewarp that is the festive season.

So, after the campaign was over, I announced that we would be honouring late pledges in the target for stetch goals. Well, that has now served us well as we have blasted past our final stretch goal: The Headlands.

Which, I suppose, means I will have to finally spill the beans on what the Headlands actually is. There were a few valiant (and expansion-inspiring) attempts made by some of you.

Well, it is what it is. Imagine a world that is situated on the head of an emergent creature. A creature whose size spans that of a large town -- or bigger if you wish. It's a place where things shift and not everything is what it seems.

If you want the general visuals on this, check out Simon's piece of art, Forever Home which is also available in the late-pledge add-ons.

As with the whole project, Simon has created original creatures based on his work, so The Headlands may look slightly different, but you get the idea.

Okay, that's all for now.

On behalf of Simon and myself (Tim) I'd like to wish you all a great festive season, whatever your plans are and we'll be back with the updates next year ;)

Be kind!

Tim & Simon

Oh yeah... we are getting printed edges.
about 2 months ago – Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 12:19:42 PM


Sorry to barge in twice in one night, but I think you'll like this.

We've just hit 125k on the stretchometer (I hope that name sticks). That means physical books will now have those lovely printed edges.

Thank you so much and fist bumps / high fives / hugs (circle one or more options) all round.

Tim & Simon

Surveys and Late Pledge closing date.
about 2 months ago – Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 10:40:04 AM

Hey there,

So, I caught up with Simon last week and we have begun work on getting things into production. Sometime in January, I will firm those dates up and give you a more accurate timeline of when to expect things.

In the meantime, here are a couple of bits of news.

First up, the late pledge window will close on the 8th of December. This is so we can get final numbers in for production. If you are looking to get a pledge in, please do so before then. Your pledge will count towards our stretch goals (we are just over £200 away from printed edges!).

You can late pledge here.

If you aren't in a position to late pledge, don't worry. We will put Wires in The Woods on general release in the early summer of 2025. 

Those of you who have all ready backed will be happy to know that BackerKit are conducting their final reviews of our post-campaign information and we should be good to start sending out surveys in the next few days.

The initial surveys will be done as a smoke test to a small, random selection of backers. This is just to check that everything is working okay. Once we are happy that there were no issues with original surveys, we will send out the remaining ones (this should be around 24 to 48 hours after the smoke test).

In the surveys you can add your shipping info and pick up any extras / add-ons that you missed during the campaign.

The surveys will remain open until a few weeks before fulfilment, and we will give you plenty of reminders to ensure you have chance to update your address in case you have moved.

That's all for now, if you have any questions, please do add them in the comments and I will get reply ASAP.

Take care,

Tim (& Simon)

Late Pledge / Preorder store now live (can we hit the next stretch goal).
2 months ago – Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 09:00:06 AM

Hey there,

If you have already backed Wires in The Woods, thank you and you can disregard this update (although there is something that could be of interest to you. Off you head into the weekend!

If you were waiting on the the late pledge / preorder situation (same thing), I'm happy to inform you that now the dust has settled on the campaign, I've had time to set this up in the BackerKit system. This means you can grab a pledge plus any extras and enjoy all the benefits of being a backer.

Here's the link:

Moreover... if we raise another £1577 everyone gets edge printing on the books. Woohoo.

We'll keep the late pledges open through into December, so don't stress if you need a little time to think about things.

Wishing you a lovely weekend!


Would you like to peek behind the curtain?
2 months ago – Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 08:44:36 AM

Hey there,

Today, I decided to do something a little bit scary.

It's something that may or may not be of interest to you as you will ultimately receive the results of this little experiment as part of your rewards if you were a digital or physical backer of Wires in The Woods.

I've opened up a working document for the solo RPG, All Night Breakfast at The Midnight Owl for all of my Patreons.

It will allow to see a game being developed, warts and all, as well as give feedback and ask questions. You'll also be able to playtest the game as it begins to take shape.

My Patreon is £3.50 per month and just one month's subscription gets you access to the document link plus the historical posts including tons of free TTRPG bits and bobs. That means you can sign up, grab the goodies then cancel (although it helps me more if you stick around a couple of months).

Like I said at the opening of this update, it may not be of interest to you how a game takes shape from idea to final thing, but if it is, this is a good opportunity to see and interact with the process.

If it sounds like something you would like to be involved in, or you fancy grabbing some TTRPG content for the price of a fancy Xmas coffee, you can sign up to my Patreon here.

In other news, we should have the survey and late pledge pages complete by the end of the week, so your next update should be about them!

Take care,

Tim (yep, just me on this one, but Simon will be back!)